What Is the Role of the Geriatric Social Worker in Your Elder Care Law Practice? [VIDEO]
Shana Siegel, Chair of the Norris McLaughlin Elder Care & Special Needs Law Practice Group, answers your questions. This video addresses the role of our geriatric social worker, Lori Kayne, in our practice.
Peace of Mind is a video blog production series from the Elder Care & Special Needs Law Practice Group at Norris McLaughlin, P.A. For related topics and more information on Shana Siegel, Norris McLaughlin, or the legal services we offer regarding elder care and special needs, visit www.norriselderlaw.com.
Hi, I’m Shana Siegel and I’m the Chair of the Elder Care & Special Needs Group at Norris McLaughlin and today we’re talking about our social worker.
What is the role of the social worker in your practice?
Lori Kayne is our social worker. She works with the attorneys in our group to develop comprehensive plans for our clients. We work together to develop plans to address the legal, financial, and care needs of our clients, and then we stick with them throughout their long-term care journey.
Lori is the lynchpin to this process. She goes out and she evaluates clients’ care needs and then she develops short- and long-term care plans for them so they’re always prepared for what comes next. Lori goes out and she identifies, locates, and coordinates services for our clients. She provides family education and she serves as an advocate for the senior. We have clients who have worked with us for many years and they say they can’t imagine going through this process without Lori by their side.
About Lori Kayne
Lori Kayne has been working as a Geriatric Social Worker in the healthcare field for over 20 years. At Norris McLaughlin, she works in collaboration with an Elder Care Attorney to develop a detailed Life Care Plan that addresses the health, safety and care concerns of her clients as they impact their legal and financial planning. She and the attorney work with clients and their families for an extended period helping them navigate the healthcare maze and plan proactively.
Prior to joining the firm, Lori was a Geriatric Social Worker at WanderPolo & Siegel law firm. She also worked as a Geriatric Care Manager for Generations Counseling and Care Management and Senior Bridge where she conducted geriatric assessments, developed plans of care and provided supportive counseling to assist clients with adjustments to illness and changes in lifestyle. Prior to that, she worked as a Discharge Planner in a variety of hospital and nursing home settings.
About the Norris McLaughlin Elder Care & Special Needs Law Practice Group
To better serve our clients, our elder law group also includes a Medicaid specialist, Laura Ocskay. In many complex matters, especially those involving high-assets, we have the advantage of being able to work with attorneys from our other practice areas including those with experience in litigation, corporate, tax, real estate, immigration, family law, and estate planning.
If you have any questions about this post or any other related matters, please feel free to email Shana at ssiegel@norris-law.com or Lori at lkayne@norris-law.com.