Norris McLaughlin appreciates how big the world has become, and how small the Internet can make it.
We understand the intricacies facing today’s thinkers and innovators surrounding the safety and protection of their intellectual property (IP), as well as the many issues inherent in using the Internet for businesses and commerce.
The IP attorneys of full-service law firm Norris McLaughlin possess a wide spectrum of skills honed by years of experience serving our corporate clients’ IP use and web needs and issues.
Throughout the U.S. and around the world, Norris McLaughlin is here to help you successfully use the web for your business, whether you are a tech company, or are selling your goods or services on the Internet.
We represent companies in various technology-based industries, too, including Internet Service Providers, software and web developers, business-to-business and consumer e-commerce providers, IT consultants, hardware and device manufacturers, and other technology suppliers, vendors and buyers. We also represent companies doing ecommerce.
Norris McLaughlin’s Internet Law Section of the IP Group offers the following counsel and and litigation services to our clients:
Bruce S. Londa
Area of Practice
C. Bruce Hamburg
Area of Practice
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