Special Needs Spotlight Webinar Series
Every parent of a child with special needs worries about what will happen if (or when) they predecease their child. But a story I read last weekend sent chills up my spine. It was about a mother in Bergen County who died from the coronavirus, leaving her 30-year-old son with Down syndrome. Her son was left panicked and devastated, sadly succumbing to the virus shortly thereafter himself. While this is an especially scary (and, thankfully, relatively rare) scenario, there are things you can and should do to prepare for a crisis. For that reason, we offer our Special Needs Spotlight Webinar Series to address these issues.
Special Needs Spotlight Webinar Series
We will discuss advocacy efforts for your child with special needs if he or she must be hospitalized during the pandemic, address ways to receive more support at home and how you may be able to be paid as a caregiver during this crisis, and review the preparation of contingency plans if you or your child’s caregiver becomes ill. We will also outline what documents you should have in place for an emergency and the considerations to take into account when doing so.
Throughout this series, the Norris McLaughlin Elder Care & Special Needs Law Practice Group will be joined by experts like Trish Colucci Barbosa, RN and Care Manager, and Elizabeth McKenna, CFP and Chartered Special Needs Consultant. We will cover legal, financial, care, and psychosocial issues such as guardianship, public benefits, ABLE accounts, life care planning, supported decision-making, residential options, and much more.
Please Join Us
Join us on Thursday, May 21, at noon for our introductory webinar, "Taking Control – Harnessing Anxiety and Turning it Into a Plan." For more information and to register, visit eventbrite.com. To save the dates for future segments, click here.
If you have any questions about this post or any other related matters, please feel free to email me at ssiegel@norris-law.com. For other topics related to COVID-19, visit our Coronavirus Thought Leadership Connection.
The information contained in this post may not reflect the most current developments, as the subject matter is extremely fluid and constantly changing. Please continue to monitor this site for ongoing developments. Readers are also cautioned against taking any action based on information contained herein without first seeking advice from professional legal counsel.